4th National AIPH Conference Program
27th-31st May, Venice-Mestre 2022
Friday 27th May 2022 – Ca’ Foscari University – San Giobbe
Registration (h. 9.30-19) – Space in front of the lecture hall Cazzavillan, San Giobbe
Friday 27th May 2022 –Ca’ Foscari University – 10.30-12.00
Panel 1 – Room 4A
105 – Open Air History. How to study World War II on the field.
Coordinator: Mirco Carrattieri (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)
- Mirko Carrattieri (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia), In the footsteps of history. Urban Trekking as a practice of Public History.
- Carlo Puddu (Liberation Route Italy), The “Paths of Liberation” by Liberation Route.
- Massimo Turchi (Linea Gotica – Officina della Memoria Association President), The “living diorama” between education and animation of sites of memory.
- Igor Pizzirusso (PopHistory Association), Comparing experiences: the urban game as a practice of urban Public History.
Panel 2 – Room 5A
86 – Playing with history: uses and abuses of historical memory in video games.
Coordinator: Olga Kalashnikova (Central European University – Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Milan)
- Olga Kalashnikova (Central European University – Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Milan), ‘Information war’ and historical memory in Russia: contemporary uses and abuses of military patriotism in video games.
- Juan Manuel Rubio (Los Andes University, Bogota, Colombia), The Cross and the Controller: Crusading ludonarrative and procedural rhetoric in Medieval video games, a comparison.
- Jakub Šindelář (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic – Leiden University Center for Arts in Society), Condemning war and rehabilitating executed soldiers in Valiant Hearts: The Great war. A practical example of sensitive and non-manipulative transnational public history in a video game.
Panel 3 – Room 6A
128 – The Italian Monuments men (and women). Three-voice storytelling to know history and histories and project our heritage’s future.
Coordinator: Manuele Gianfrancesco (University of Rome)
- Vincenza Iossa (“Luigi de Gregory” library, Ministry of Education, Rome), The Librarians? Monuments men too.
- Massimo Martella (director and teacher), In the name of Anthea.
- Mirco Marco Mendico and Anna Rotasso (Minturno Council Delegates), “Percorsi della memoria”: a documentary.
Panel 4 – Room 7A
Images and History: graffiti, photographs, comics, posters.
Coordinator: Luciano Cheles (University of Poitiers)
- Anna Clara Basilicò (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice), For a history of prison from below: the musealization of dungeons’ graffiti.
- Eirene Campagna (Iulm University, Milan), Surviving drawings: graphical narratives beyond the boundaries of memory.
- Luciano Cheles (University of Poitiers), Giorgia Meloni and History. Fascism, Nazism and Anti-Semitism in the Visual Propaganda of Azione Giovani and Fratelli d’Italia.
- Cristina Blanco Sío-López (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice), Mirrors and Triggers: Historical approaches to printed press cartoons on the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Anna Di Giusto (University of Florence), From Valentina to Lea. The 1970s and the Struggle for Female Emancipation in Comic Strips.
Friday 27th May 2022 – Ca’ Foscari University – 12.00-13.00
Lunch Break
Friday 27th May 2022 – Ca’ Foscari University – 13.00-14.30
Panel 5 – Room 4A
65 – Creative reuses of Oral Archives.
Coordinator: Metella Montanari (ISRSC – Institute for the History of Resistance and Contemporary Society in Modena)
- Metella Montanari (ISRSC – Institute for the History of Resistance and Contemporary Society in Modena), AFOr, Present Histories in Villaggio Artigiano.
- Renato Rinaldi (Artetica Association and Teatro della Sete, Udine), Struggles of Cormôr.
- Alessandro Bresolin (AISO and ASP Napoli in Vita), Voices from Sanità.
- Alessandro Portelli (Gianni Bosio Centre, Rome), Let voices free.
Panel 6 – Room 5A
46 – Public History in Spain: popularisation, didactics and public memory.
Coordinator: Rafael Zurita (University of Alicante)
- Rafael Zurita (University of Alicante), The exhibition “Valencianos en Guerra, 1808-1814”.
- Juan Antonio Mira Rico (Open University of Catalunya), Batterfields as cultural landscapes.
- Alberto Cañas (University of Alicante), Remembering against Napoleon. Public memory of the 1808-1814 War in Spain.
- Miguel Requena, Marta Membrilla (University of Valencia – Asociación Histórico-Cultural Héroes del Tollo, Utiel, Valencia), Historical recreation and didactics to understand the war.
Panel 7 – Room 6A
90 – Public History and Jewish Studies in Italy. Exhibitions on the 80th Anniversary of the 1938 Racial Laws.
Coordinator: Tullia Catalan (University of Trieste)
- Matteo Perissinotto (University of Ljubljana), Two exhibitions on racism in 1938 in Trieste.
- Laura Brazzo (CDEC Foundation – Milan) and Emanuele Edallo (Statale University of Milan), Two exhibitions on the 1938 persecution of the CDEC Foundation in Milan.
- Amedeo Osti Guerrazzi (University of Padova), The ‘Fondazione Museo della Shoah’ in Rome and its Activities to disseminate the History of the Jewish Persecution.
Panel 8 – Room 7A
57 – University and Public History: experiences and future perspectives.
Coordinator: Cecilia Novelli (University of Cagliari)
- Stefano Dall’Aglio (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice), Public History in the university: an opportunity and a challenge.
- Sabina Pavone (University of Macerata), Public History and Cultural Heritage: a university path.
- Enrica Salvatori (University of Pisa), Public historian’s education: some guidelines.
Friday 27th May 2022 – Ca’ Foscari University – 14.45-16.15.
Panel 9 – Room 5A
30 – “Bodies Across borders: Dimensions of Memory in Europe and Beyond”.
Coordinator: Luisa Passerini (Istituto Universitario Europeo, Florence)
- Luisa Passerini (IUE – Italian European Institute, Florence), Intersubjectivity/Intervisuality/Intercorporeality.
- Leslie Nancy Hernández Nova, (Historical Archives of European Union – IUE – Italian European Institute, Florence), Oral and visual methodologies as educational strategies towards a European citizenship.
- Marina Nordera, (University of Nice – Côte d’Azur), Embodying memories of mobilities as a performative process.
Panel 10 – Room 6A
131 – D’Annunzio and Fiume. Public uses, representations, and narrations of a contested centenary.
Coordinator: Enrico Serventi Longhi (University of Roma Tre)
- Deborah Natale (Focus Storia), D’Annunzio and Fiume after 100 years. Celebrations, reconstructions, debates.
- Carlo Leu (KU Leuven), Imagining Fiume in the 2000s. Literary representations of the occupation.
- Enrico Serventi Longhi (University of Roma Tre), From farce to feast. Divergent narratives of the “Fiume exploit” in post-WWII Italian journalism.
- Federico Carlo Simonelli (University of Urbino), Fiume-Rijeka beyond the myth. Old and new patriotic representations of a multi-ethnic city.
Panel 11 – Room 7A
73 – Uses and abuses of history. New dynamics and interactions between local, national and supranational dimensions.
Coordinator: Filippo Focardi (University of Padova)
- Mirco Carrattieri (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia), Subsidiary memories? The “north-east case” and the memorial policies of local authorities.
- Antonella Salomoni (University of Calabria), Putin’s rewriting of history.
- Luigi Cajani (Georg-Eckert-Institut für internationale Schulbuchforschung, Braunschweig), When Politics writes History. The European Parliament resolution of 19 September 2019 on the importance of European remembrance for the future of Europe.
Panel 12 – Aula 4A
116 – Identities, communities, memories: local history, common good. Experiences in the libraries, between crowdsourcing and restitution to the public.
Coordinator: Silvia Seracini (AIB OBISS – Observatory on Libraries and Sustainable Development – University Politecnica delle Marche)
- Ilaria Bortolotti (“Luigi Spina” Library, Bologna), The Community Archive of the “Luigi Spina” Library in Bologna.
- Valeria Trevisan (Italian Provincial Library “Claudia Augusta” in Bolzano), Local identity and oral memories: a case study from the Autonomous Province of Bolzano on the anniversary of its autonomy.
- Elisabetta Sanna (Iglesias Public Library), The Sardinian Mining Association: enhancing the documentary heritage of the community.
- Silvia Seracini (AIB OBISS – Observatory on Libraries and Sustainable Development – University Politecnica delle Marche), Giorgio Fuà: an economist in Ancona. Project for a digital exhibition.
Friday 27th May 2022 – Ca’ Foscari University – 16.30-17.00
Conference opening with greetings by:
- Giovanni Vian, Director of the Department of Humanities, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
- Franz Fischer, Director of Venice Centre for Digital & Public Humanities (VeDPH), Department of Humanities, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
- Luca Molinari, Scientific Director of M9-Museo del ‘900, Mestre
- Serge Noiret, AIPH – Italian Association of Public History President.
Friday 27th May 2022 – Ca’ Foscari University – 17.00-18.00
Inaugural lesson by Giovanni Levi (Former Professor of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice).
Friday 27th May 2022 – Ca’ Foscari University – 18.00-19.00
Refreshment for participants offered by VeDPH – Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities of Department of Humanities of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Campiello dei Lecci and infra-dipartimental spaces of San Giobbe Campus.
Friday 27th May 2022 – M9 Mestre – 21.30-22.00 – Auditorium
“Il Paese nelle mani. Cronaca d’Italia in sette stragi”. Documentary-theatre pièce about mafia assassinations in 1993. Written and directed by Nicola Zavagli. With Beatrice Visibelli.
Saturday 28th May 2022 – M9, Mestre – 10.30-11.00
Panel 13 – M9 Lab
74 – From Excavations to Digital Cities: walking and see again Amiternum (5th– 14th cent. a.D.).
Coordinator: Silvia Mantini (University of L’Aquila)
- Alfonso Forgione (LAMIA – Laboratory of Medieval Archeology Informatic and Anthropology, Univaq), Amiternum Project: archeology as a driver of social progress.
- Stefano Brusaporci, Pamela Maiezza, Alessandra Tata, Luca Vespasiano (LMRDA – Laboratory for Relief and Digital Modellation Architecture, Univaq), Digital models for cultural heritage. A case study.
- Fabio Graziosi, Fabio Franchi (CNIT – National Interuniversity Consortium for Telecommunication), Telecommunication networks for the promotion of cultural heritage: experimentation in an archeological site.
Panel 14 – M9 Auditorium
75 – Public History, community memories, and photography.
Coordinator: Raffaella Biscioni (University of Bologna)
- Tatiana Agliani (Isia – Urbino), Via Padova and surroundings: the identity of a place in its photographs.
- Giampaolo Salice (University of Cagliari), A project of community public history.
- Alessandro Iannucci (University of Bologna), Arianna Mecozzi (University of Bologna), The DARE project: the urban regeneration of the Darsena of Ravenna district.
- Arianna Cascone (Lassalliano Library-Archive, Rome), Photography, from archive fund to museum, new practices of Public History.
Panel 15 – M9 Cube
80 – Mapping the Labour: between Digital History and Digital Public History.
Coordinator: Lorenzo Bertucelli (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)
- Alessandro Ruzzon (Archivist), The site “Gli archivi di Porto Marghera. Una storia, le sue fonti”.
- Eloisa Betti (University of Bologna and Clionet Association), The projects “Genere lavoro e cultura tecnica” and “Bologna metalmeccanic@”.
- Federico Creatini (Valore Lavoro Foundation) and Andrea Ostuni (SISLAV – Italian Society of Labour History), Map, newsletter and database: the portal storialavorotoscana.it.
Saturday 28th May 2022 – M9, Mestre – 11.15-12.45
Panel 16 – M9 Auditorium
Teaching Public History.
Coordinator: Marcello Ravveduto (University of Salerno)
- Giampaolo Salice (University of Cagliari), Didactic and crowdsourcing: the LUDìCa experience (from n. 93).
- Andrea Sangiovanni (University of Teramo), Public History or historical communication?
- Tommaso Caliò (“Tor Vergata” University of Rome), A collective teaching experience: the “Public History” curriculum at the “Tor Vergata” University of Rome.
- Elisa Corrò (Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice), Numbers&Culture. An open project between University and community.
Panel 17 – M9 Cube
99 – #Decolonise. Colonial heritage under the lens of Public History.
Coordinator: Giulia Dodi (PopHistory)
- Marta Gara (Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Milan – PopHistory), The change of perspective in the history of Papua New Guinea: a public history event stemming from missionary heritage.
- Francesca Negri (ISRSC – Institute for the History of Resistance and Contemporary Society in Modena), The educational game as a tool to rediscover the traces of colonial memories.
- Rosa Anna Di Lella (Civilizations Museum), Imagining a decolonial museum from the collections of the former Colonial Museum of Rome.
Panel 18 – Gusto Hall, 3rd floor
104 – Documentaries and Public History: methodological issues and study cases.
Coordinator: Mariangela Palmieri (University of Salerno)
- Mariangela Palmieri (University of Salerno), Definitions and uses of documentaries in historical research.
- Andrea Meccia (Journalist), Use and re-use of fictional and no fictional material in documentaries. The “Shooting the Mafia” case.
- Chiara Ottaviano (Cliomedia Officina), Making documentaries starting from budget.
- Luisa Lo Duca (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia), Stories in History. Documentaries and family memories.
Panel 19 – M9 Lab
102 – Digital Infrastructure and active citizenship: free access to knowledge and libraries’ role.
Coordinator: Marcella Rognoni (AIB, National University and Research Libraries Commission)
- Anna Molino (CNR ISTI – Science and Technologies of Innovation Institute – Research Area Library, Pisa), The importance of an open politic for transferring knowledge and libraries’ role.
- Maurizio Messina (AIB – Italian Libraries Association, Working Group on Digital Libraries), From the Manifesto for digital libraries to national infrastructure for knowledge.
- Marcella Rognoni (University of Genova, University Library Sistem), Open access and repositories for humanistic field: good practices in librarian system of Italian universities.
- Lotta Svantesson (Library, European University Insitute), A case study: Cadmus, research repository of European University Institute.
Saturday 28th May 2022 – M9, Mestre – 12.30-14.30
- PHilm&Co Group Meeting, M9 Cube
- School Group with Education PH meeting, M9 Auditorium
- Photography Group and PH meeting, M9 Lab.
Saturday 28th May 2022 – M9, Mestre – 12.30-14.30
Wardrobe Foyer
Speed networking/Specialists consult.
Saturday 28th May 2022 – M9, Mestre – 14.30-16.00
Panel 20 – M9 Lab
69 – The faces of work: Public History, photography, and history of work.
Coordinator: Raffaella Biscioni (University of Bologna)
- Lucia Miodini, (CD AIPH, University of Parma), “The faces of the work”: a partecipated exhibition project.
- Marco Andreani (Macula, Pesaro) Paola Binante (ISIA Urbino) e Arianna Zaffini (Archivist), The “Era la Montecatini” project: photography, multimedia and bottom-up production.
- Stefano Bartolini (Valore Lavoro Foundation), The use of images in the exhibition “La chiave a stella: Il lavoro industriale nel ‘900”.
Panel 21 – M9 Auditorium
International Public History and Memory.
Coordinator: Serge Noiret (AIPH President)
- Alexandra S. Kolesnik (IGITI – Poletaev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow) e Alexandre V. Russanov (IGITI – Poletaev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow), The Concept(s) of Cultural Heritage in Russia: the cases of Likhachev Institute and “Arkhnadzor”.
- Eva Posch (University of Graz), History Production in the City: Negotiating the Ottoman History of Graz in Museums and in Tourism.
- Brigitte Le Normand (Maastricht University), Rijeka Fiume in Flux: a mobile phone app for exploring the past of a contested city.
- Anna Dulska (University of Navarra), For whom the bell tolls: commemorations of contemporary history in democratic Spain (1976-2021).
Panel 22 – M9 Cube
103 – From digital history to public history: a collaborative project to build an infrastructure for research and education.
Coordinator: Gianfranco Bandini (University of Florence)
- Francesca Borruso (University of Roma Tre), Teachers’ diaries database. The Italian school in the teachers’ writing.
- Marta Brunelli (University of Macerata), The school’s public memories database.
- Paolo Bianchini (University of Turin), Training and educational uses of a historiographic database.
- Chiara Naldi (University of Florence), Educational Memories on Video. An open access database to contribute to the awareness of the teaching profession.
Saturday 28th May 2022 – M9, Mestre – 16.15-17.45
Panel 23 – M9 Lab
27 – Magazine, history, and public field.
Coordinator: Francesco Filippi (Deina)
- Paola Panigas (Focus Storia), Discovering the past to understand the present. The Focus Storia case.
- Carlo Greppi (Curator for Laterza’s serie “Fact Checking: La storia alla prova dei fatti”), La Storia tutta: Notes about an experience.
- Sara Zanatta, Michele Toss, Alice Manfredi (Historical Museum of Trentino Foundation), History Lab Magazine: an editorial staff inside a museum institution.
Panel 24 – M9 Cube
110 – Ancient Lives Matter.
Coordinator: Lorenzo Calvelli (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
- Michele Bellomo (University of Milan) and Lorenzo Calvelli (Ca’ Foscari University), Shall We Cancel or Rethink the Classics? A Perspective from Ancient History.
- Simona Antolini (University of Macerata) and Jessica Piccinini (University of Macerata), Charlesmagne in the val di Chienti. A fake news now in secondary school books.
- Antonio Nastasi (Gaetano de Sanctis Institute) and Silvia Orlandi (Sapienza University of Rome), 20th-Century Epigraphy between Damnatio Memoriae and Philological Restauration.
- Cinzia Dal Maso (Archeostorie® Study Centre for Public Archeology), Classics are Classist.
Panel 25 – Auditorium
121 – Public History and history journals.
Coordinator: Luigi Tomassini (Director of Historical Studies Foundation “Filippo Turati”, Florence)
- Carlo Spagnolo (University of Bari), Between specialization and marginality. History journals and public history.
- Maurizio Ridolfi (University of Viterbo), Between research and Public History: the paths of the “Memoria e ricerca” journal.
- Vittorio Tigrino (University of Eastern Piemonte), Public history, applied history: the “Quaderni storici” experience.
Saturday 28th May – M9, Mestre – 18.00-19.30 – Cloister
Talk: The memory of the fascism and the Italian colonialism.
With: Michela Marzano (Paris V – Descartes University of Paris), Giorgio Zanchini (Radio 1), Francesco Filippi (Deina)
Coordinator: Claudio Panzavolta (Marsilio Editori).
Saturday 28th May 2022 – M9, Mestre – 21.30 -23.00 – Auditorium
“L’occhio di Vetro”, a documentary by Duccio Chiarini. Producted by Asmara Film and Luce-Cinecittà Institute (2020). Introduction: Vittorio Iervese (Festival dei Popoli President – University of Modena and Reggio Emilia). At the end of the projection the director will answer questions from the audience.
Sunday 29th May 2022 – M9, Mestre – 9.30-11.00
Panel 26 – M9 Auditorium
10 – History and memory of Covid-19: paths across public history, rapid response collecting, and research.
Coordinator: Sara Zanatta (Trentino History Museum Foundation)
- Irene Bolzon (MeVe – Veneto Memorial for World War I), “Istantanee dal presente. Testimoni al tempo del Covid19”.
- Michele Toss (Trentino History Museum Foundation), #facciamomemoria. Preserving today for telling tomorrow.
- Francesca Socrate (AISO – Associazione Italiana di Storia Orale), Elders in Covid between rappresentation and auto-rappresentation.
- Ana Carolina de Moura Delfim Maciel and João Felipe Rufatto Ferreira, #MemóriasCovid19: collecting and disseminating testimonies of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Panel 27 – M9 Lab
117 – “Copy, transform, combine”: Digital archives and their participatory use.
Coordinator: Lorenzo Pezzica (ANAI – Italian National Archivistic Association)
- Enrica Salvatori (University of Pisa), Public History Remix, opportunities and challenges of an innovative project.
- Vittorio Iervese (Linguistic and cultural studies, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia), AI and Digital Creativity. The “PH-Remix” Project on the Audiovisual Archive of the Festival dei Popoli.
- Manfredi Scanagatta (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia), Digital objects. The overwriting of sources for a new accessibility.
Panel 28 – M9 Cube
54 – Playing “the wrong way”. Historical controversies and gaming.
Coordinators: Igor Pizzirusso (Ferruccio Parri National Insitute) and Deborah Paci (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)
- Stefano Caselli (University of Malta), Historical subjectivity “at stake”. An overview on Red Dead Redemption 2.
- Glauco Babini (LudoLabo), Playing the Italian colonialism.
- Mirco Zanoni (Alcide Cervi Insitute), I nidi di Ragno. The soul of Italy “at stake”, during the Liberation.
Sunday 29th May 2022 – M9, Mestre – 11.00 -18.00 – M9 Foyer
Asterlizze installation named “LA STANZA”: a virtual-reality experience with passing users in which archive materials, photography, music, video in Super 8 and acting are mixed. Director: Alba Porto.
Sunday 29th May 2022 – M9, Mestre – 11.15-12-45
Panel 29 – Gusto Hall, 3rd floor
123 – “Mamma fammi la pappa” – Italian Food and Public History.
Coordinators: Mila Fumini (University of Florence) and Agnese Portincasa (Parri History Institute – Bologna Metropolitana)
- Agnese Portincasa (Parri History Institute – Bologna Metropolitana), Food Diary. Stories of food and consumption.
- Mila Fumini (University of Florence), RAGU Reti e archivi del gusto. Building history with fragile memories.
- Luca Cesari (Writer), Reconstructing Historical Recipes ‐ The Story of a Quest.
- Federico Chiaricati (University of Trieste), Suppose a website related to food! Examples of “What America Ate” and “Terra di fame e di abbondanza”.
Panel 30 – Auditorium
94 – Public participation in public history practices.
Coordinator: Serge Noiret (AIPH President)
- Irene Bolzon (MeVe – Veneto Memorial for World War I), Oral history and participatory museums: witnesses, projects, cultural strategies.
- Thomas Cauvin (University of Luxemburg), Phygital Participation: Citizen Science to Bridge Digital and Physical Spaces.
- Serge Noiret (AIPH President), Capturing the memory of catastrophes in invented archives as a practice of digital public history.
- Francesco Ripanti (University of Pisa), Open excavations, and more. Participatory practices in Italian archeology.
Panel 31 – M9 Lab
127 – Public History before Public History: the “Ricerche storiche” case.
Coordinator: Francesco Mineccia (Director of “Ricerche storiche” journal)
- Giovanni Luigi Fontana (University of Padova), The industrial heritage between research and Public History.
- Aurora Savelli (L’Orientale University of Naples), Didactic experiences about gender history: considerations about a monography of “Ricerche storiche”.
- Guido Vannini (University of Florence), Public Archeology: a new study track?
Panel 32 – M9 Cube
106 – Attending Indipetae School. The Digital Indipetae Database as a didactic tool in high schools and universities.
Coordinator: Giampaolo Salice (University of Cagliari)
- Sonia Isidori (Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies, Boston College), Designing History labs in high schools and universities: a sustainable crowdsourcing model to develop the Digital Indipetae Database.
- Bruno Pomara (Universitat de València), IndiLab: Learning techniques for reading, interpreting, and digitalizing ancient documents through the Digital Indipetae Database project.
- Livio Ciappetta (Didactic Coordinator of the CFP Castelfusano), History teaching in an Italian high school and Indipetae: notes for a reflection.
Sunday 29th May 2022 – M9, Mestre – 12.30 -14.30 – Auditorium
Talk: Compared Universities: Interuniversitary Centre for Public History Research and Development – CISPH.
Sunday 29th May 2022 – M9, Mestre – 12.30 -16.00 – M9 Lab
Presentation of realized and future projects (already uploaded on the AIPH website).
Sunday 29th May 2022 – M9, Mestre – 14.00 -18.00 – M9 Foyer – Cloister
- Let’s play with history – Tests and presentation of new products, analogical and digital, observing defects and potentialities. (Coordinator: Igor Pizzirusso)
- Medieval Crafts Reenactment – cured by Sarzana Gilda Historiae and “I Gratteschi” History Group from Genova.
Sunday 29th May 2022 – M9, Mestre – 14.30-16.00
Panel 33 – M9 Lab
66 – Innovative tools for the historical narration of archivist and librarian sources: LOD, IIIF e crowdfunding.
Coordinator: Marcello Andria (CD AIPH, University of Salento)
- Simona Inserra (University of Catania) and Marco Palma (former University of Cassino), Incunaboli and participation: on-going projects between Catania and Montecassino.
- Giuliana Capriolo (University of Salerno) and Concetta Damiani (“Luigi Vanvitelli” University of Campania), Incunaboli, manuscript tradition and archivistic sources.
- Alessandra Boccone (University Library Centre of the University of Salerno) and Tania Maio (University Library Centre of the University of Salerno), Metadata, images, stories: linked open data and IIIF for sources interoperability.
Panel 34 – M9 Cube
19 – History and Revelry. When history is a pleasure.
Coordinator: Michele Lacriola (Pinte di Storia)
- Michele Lacriola (Pinte di Storia), “Cheers!”. History at the pub (and not only).
- Valerio Campolunghi (Archeochef) and Nicolò Grazioli (Archeochef), Archeochef, History is served!
- Alberto Borgatta (AB Fabbrica Creativa), History notes. History through music.
Panel 35 – M9 Auditorium
62 – To lay the foundations of Digital Public History practices.
Coordinator: Enrica Salvatori (University of Pisa)
- Enrica Salvatori (University of Pisa), Looking for History in Digital Public History projects.
- Deborah Paci (University of Corse), Digital Public History between longue durée and short term.
- Tiago Gill (University of Brasilia), Teaching public and digital history: challenges, problems and some solutions.
- Marcello Ravveduto (University of Salerno), Past without History: the historical imaginary of social networks.
Sunday 29th May 2022 – M9, Mestre – 16.15-17.45
Panel 36 – M9 Lab
School as a Public History laboratory
Coordinator: Maurizio Gusso (IRIS, Interdisciplinary Historical Teaching and Research)
- Agostino Bistarelli (Liceo Montessori, Rome), Civico Giusto.
- Francesco Sunil Sbalchiero (Pietro Gobetti Study Centre, Turin), “Sulle vie di case Gobetti”: a Public History project.
- Caterina Benelli (University of Messina), Harvesters of stories: the school as a workshop for the coming together of biographies
- Francesca Ghersetti (Benetton Studi Ricerche Foundation), The historical archive of the Maccarese farm, towards the community: an experience with schools, a project.
- Deborah De Blasi (Project Referent for the “Principe di Piemonte” Institute, Maglie): Rinascenza Favolosa: search path for the creation of a collective memory that could defend identity and encourage intercultural methods.
Panel 37 – Auditorium
84 – The Faro Convention: state of the art and perspectives
Coordinator: Erilde Terenzoni (former Archival Superintendent for Veneto and Trentino-Alto Adige)
- Luisella Pavan Wolfe (Head of the Council of Europe Representation in Italy), Faro: instruments and perspectives.
- Monica Viero (Head of the Civic Museums of Venice Libraries), Role of libraries and archives.
- Erilde Terenzoni (former Archival Superintendent for Veneto and Trentino-Alto Adige), Faro perspective: different uses of cultural heritage.
Panel 38 – M9 Cube
96 – Reenactment and Public History: opportunities and challenges after the pandemic.
Coordinator: Andrea Ferretti (Crono Eventi)
- Andrea Ferretti (Crono Eventi), Public history and reenactment: perspectives for a new applied history.
- Daniele Calcagno (National President of AMIS–Antiqua e Musica e Italica e Studiosi), For a school in the methodology of the historical research, applied to reconstruction/diffusion.
- Francesca Baldassarri (Gildae Historiae Association President), Reconstructing history: the value of the didactic and the necessity of education.
- Massimo Andreoli (Wavent ssrl, President of the European Consortium Historical Reenactments), Living History: a useful development tool after the Covid era.
Sunday 29th May 2022 – M9, Mestre – 18.00 -19.30 – Cloister
Talk: Memory of the Republic Today. Coordinator: Simonetta Fiori (La Repubblica). With: Anna Mastromarino (University of Turin), Patrizia Gabrielli (University of Siena), Filippo Focardi (University of Padova), Maurizio Ridolfi (University of Tuscia).
Sunday 29th May 2022 – M9, Mestre – 21.00 – 22.30 – Auditorium
La scoperta dell’America (theatre). By Cesare Pascarella. Music and tale. With Andrea Cota and Valerio Malorni.
Monday 30th May 2022 – M9, Mestre – 9.30-11.00 – M9 Foyer
Asterlizze installation named “LA STANZA”: a virtual-reality experience with passing users in which archive materials, photography, music, video in Super 8, and acting are mixed. Director: Alba Porto.
Panel 39 – Auditorium M9
40 – Women’s cities. Giving silence a shape.
Coordinators: Aurora Savelli (“L’Orientale” University of Naples) and Lucia Miodini (University of Parma)
- Maria Pia Ercolini (Feminine Toponomastic Association – Associazione Toponomastica Femminile), Good practices in common.
- Carla Arconte (Italian Historians Society – Società Italiana delle Storiche), Giving silence a shape.
- Aurora Savelli (“L’Orientale” University of Naples), Narrating women in a Contrada museum.
- Maria Antonella Fusco (AIPH Board), Monuments, masculine plural/Statues, feminine plural.
Panel 40 – M9 Cube
77 – Engaging Heritage communities adopting Wikimedia ecosystem: best practices in Italy and open questions.
Coordinator: Pierluigi Feliciati (University of Macerata)
- Pierluigi Feliciati (University of Macerata), Let people tell the Cultural Heritage injured by the earthquake: the impact of Wiki Appennino Centro Italia project.
- Iolanda Pensa (Italy Wikimedia Association), The Wikipedia World Gathering Organized by a Mountain Community.
- Luigi Catalani (Basilicata Wiki APS), Cultural Heritage as a common good and free work: the case of Basilicata Wiki.
- Fedele Congedo (Associazione Mecenate 90, Roma, Asteroide B 167), Rediscover and regenerate your neighborhood’s identity.
Panel 41 – M9 Lab
83 – The history of the LGBT movement in Italy as an instrument of knowledge, information and fight against discrimination.
Coordinator: Maurizio Gelatti (Co-President Sandro Penna Foundation – FUORI!)
- Maurizio Gelatti (Co-President Sandro Penna Foundation – FUORI!), 1971: the birth of FUORI! (The first national LGBT rights movement). 2021: the exhibition, the books and the documentary
- Giorgio Bozzo (Cultural Association Le Radici dell’Orgoglio), The Roots of Pride: a podcast to learn about the history of the LGBT movement from its origins to today.
- Angela Mazzoccoli (AGEDO – Association of Relatives and Friend of LGBT people), Exhibitions as a means for spreading history knowledge: Adelmo and the Others, an instrument for raising awareness of the condition of homosexuals in confinement during fascism.
- Maurizio Gelatti (Co-Presidente Sandro Penna Foundation – FUORI!), From the exhibition to a museum and cultural center on the history of homosexuality: the Turin project.
Monday 30th May 2022 – M9, Mestre – 11.15-12.45
Panel 42 – M9 Auditorium
39 – Women’s cities. Paths of Public History
Coordinators: Aurora Savelli (“L’Orientale” University of Naples) and Lucia Miodini (University of Parma)
- Francesca Guiducci (University of Perugia), “Donne al Centro”.
- Valeria Palumbo (RCS MediaGroup), Among women in deads’ city.
- Margherita Becchetti (Movimenti Study Centre, Parma), Ilaria La Fata (Movimenti Study Centre, Parma), Michela Cerocchi (Movimenti Study Centre, Parma), Women’s city.
- Giovanna Bino (MIC), The Talking Women.
Panel 43 – M9 Lab
69 – From paper to metadata. Digital public history and the future of digital libraries, challenges, and potentialities.
Coordinator: Lorenzo Pezzica (Italian National Archivistic Association – ANAI)
- Gabriele Caruso (Federico II University of Naples), Historical sources and their rights. 16th-century pastoral visits in Modena between copyright and open source.
- Leonardo Marchionni (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia), From the factories of the past to the online platform. A case of application of Public History in digital archives.
- Beatrice Tioli (ISRSC – Institute for the History of Resistance and Contemporary Society in Modena), Archive translation in a digital library, the example of the Modena partisan documents.
Panel 44 – M9 Cube
91 – Ears in the landscape: walking and storytelling experiences with oral history.
Coordinator: Chiara Spadaro (Italian Oral History Association)
- Giulia Zitelli Conti (Tezeta Association, Rome), Stories of Eritrean life in the African neighborhood of Rome.
- Marilena Bagarella (Il Germoglio Association, Corleone, Palermo), Contested landscapes. Walking to tell the memory of the Corleone that resists.
- Mirco Corato (Vaghe Stelle, Vicenza), Write the landscape with feet: the walking experience of Vaghe Stelle.
Monday 30th May 2022 – M9, Mestre – 10.00-16.00 – Wardrobe Foyer
Poster Exhibition.
Monday 30th May 2022 – M9, Mestre – 13.00 -14.30
- Gender and Public History Group Meeting – M9 Auditorium
- Labour and PH Group Meeting – M9 Lab.
Monday 30th May 2022 – M9, Mestre – 14.30 -16.00
Panel 45 – M9 Cube
76 – Anti-mafia place of memory between history, imaginary, and heritage.
Coordinator: Marcello Ravveduto (University of Salerno)
- Ilaria Meli (La Sapienza University of Rome), “Storia delle mafie”: a public history perspective through a case study.
- Charlotte Moge (Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University of Lion), The anti-mafia as a place of remembrance. The paradigmatic figure of Giovanni Falcone.
- Marcello Ravveduto (University of Salerno), Joe Petrosino’s home/museum, and the Mafia and anti-mafia gallery.
- Francesca Rispoli (University of Pisa), XL: an awareness factory about mafia and corruption.
Panel 46 – M9 Auditorium
6 – Roman Women’s voices in Modern Society. Ancient Women in Modern Communication Initiatives.
Coordinator: Francesca Cenerini (University of Bologna)
- Francesca Cenerini (University of Bologna), Listening to Women: experiences in meetings with the common people, TV programs and magazines.
- Silvia Giorcelli (University of Turin), Voices of women: Remarks and Experiences on the 25th November.
- Valeria Palumbo (RCS Media Group), Women and the Empire: the theater tells another story of Rome.
- Francesca Rohr (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice), Listening to Women: Experiences in Cultural Associations, High Schools, University Courses.
Panel 47 – M9 Lab
88 – Eighty years later: scopes and problems towards the National Resistance Museum.
Coordinator: Paolo Pezzino (Parri Institute)
- Daniele Jalla (ICOM Italy), What does a history museum exhibit?
- Paolo Pezzino (Parri Institute), The National Resistance Museum: in Milan.
- Tommaso Rossi (“Niccolò Cusano” University), Historical sources in museum: trends in use
- Nicola Labanca (University of Siena), Historiography and museum: two different stories of the Italian Resistance.
Monday 30th May 2022 – M9, Mestre – 16.00-19.00 – Auditorium
AIPH 2022 plenary session and awarding of the winning Posters, realized, and future projects.
Monday 30th May 2022 – M9, Mestre – 19.15-20.30 – Auditorium
Talk: the memories of mafia assassinations. With Don Luigi Ciotti (Libera Association against mafia) and Marcello Ravveduto (University of Salerno). At the end of the meeting, a wine tasting will be offered with wines cultivated in Libera Terra Veneto’s territories.
Monday 30th May 2022 – M9, Mestre – 21.00 – 9Bistrot
AIPH Social dinner.
Tuesday 31st May 2022 – M9, Mestre – 9.30-11.00
Panel 48 – M9 Lab
Museums and Public History
Coordinator: Livio Carrer (M9 Museum)
- Costanza Calabretta (Germanic Studies Italian Institute), The Humboldt Forum in Berlin: a controversial history.
- Umberto Livadiotti (Independent Researcher), The “immersive” historical museums between potential and criticality.
- Elisabetta Del Monte (Istoreco, Reggio Emilia), “Livello 9” – XX century sites museum in Reggio Emilia.
- Eleonora Zanasi (Curator, Galleria Museum), The Galleria del Premio Suzzara museum: public storytelling of work among art, history, and politics.
Panel 49 – M9 Auditorium
114 – Audiovisual sources. Discussion and practice about historical narration with images and sounds.
Coordinator: Vittorio Iervese (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)
- Leonardo Campus (Roma3 University of Rome), Notes on a history of televising History.
- Luca Onorati (Luce-Cinecittà Institute), The assault on the Vlora ship: creative reuse of archive footage.
- Manfredi Scanagatta (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia), Audiovisual sources, digitization and creativity. The case of They shall not grow old.
- Gualtiero Peirce (journalist), “Napoli: l’aldilà di tutto”.
Panel 50 – M9 Cube
97 – Public use of the archives. The archives project of the earthquake of the Marche crater
Coordinator: Mauro Saracco (University of Macerata)
- Giorgia Di Marcantonio (Indipendent Researcher), The archives of the earthquake: tools for the reconstruction of an identity.
- Pamela Galeazzi (ANAI – Italian National Archivistic Association President, Marche section), “Gli archivi del sisma” (the Earthquake’s Archives). Intervention, restitution and public use.
- Caterina Paparello (General Direction of MIC Museums, Marche), Mythography and memory: the case of the Gasparri Museum between identity, dispersion, recovery and planning.
Tuesday 31st May 2022 – M9, Mestre – 11.15-12.45
Panel 51 – M9 Cube
54 – Mystification and old mills. Public history, archives and territory: the case of the Val d’Orcia of Siena.
Coordinator: Federico Valacchi (University of Macerata)
- Marco Napoli (University of Florence), Between intended uses and landscape evolution in Val d’Orcia.
- Annantonia Martorano (University of Florence), Archives and territory construction.
- Claudia Maccari (Archivist, Amiata Val d’Orcia Municipalities Union), “I’ve always worked”. People and sites of the Val d’Orcia between reclamation and chronicle.
Panel 52 – M9 Lab
20 – The labour on display: the exhibition activities of trade union cultural bodies
Coordinator: Carlo Rosati (SIMBDEA – Italian Society for the museography and demo-anthropologic heritage)
- Simonetta Vella (Syndical Documentarist Centre, Biella Chamber of Labour), 120 years of the Biella Chamber of Labour: the exhibition, the catalogue, the website.
- Debora Migliucci (Sesto San Giovanni Labour Archive), Manifestamente Lavoro: for a participatory and engaging history of labour and trade unions.
- Ilaria Romeo (CGIL National Historical Archive), Virtual and itinerant: the exhibitions of the CGIL National Historical Archive.
Panel 53 – M9 Auditorium
35 – The International Festival of Public History in Salento: a consolidated experience.
Coordinator: Giuliana Iurlano (CESRAM (Study Centre Relations Atlantic-Mediterranean)
- Francesca Salvatore (CESRAM – La Scuola Universitaria), The framework of four editions of the International Festival of Public History.
- Giovanna Bino (CESRAM – MiBact), The thin thread of the editions of International Public History Festivals: the sources.
- Debora De Blasi (CESRAM – Minerva Academy), A Festival to make History an Art.