Profilo socio
Gianfranco Bandini is a full professor of History of Education in the Department of Education and Psychology at the University of Florence (Italy) where he has had the opportunity to align his research in the field with teaching on a number of both graduate and postgraduate degree courses and on the Ph.D. course. His area of interest is in nineteenth and twentieth-century educational themes from a socio-historical perspective, with particular reference to the history of school, history of childhood, educational minorities. Recently he is investigating these topics using the Public History methodologies. The aim is showing the usefulness of the historical approach to face today’s challenges of some professional categories, first of all, teachers and educators of early childhood.
Now he is editor-in-chief of the “Rivista di Storia dell’educazione” ( with Fulvio De Giorgi and Antonia Criscenti. He published two articles in “Paedagogica Historica. International Journal of the History of Education”: Freemasonry and the Right to an Education. The Case of Italy from Unification to the Beginnings of the Twentieth Century (46:1, 2010, pp. 161-177); Images of childhood in the penal jurisprudence of Italian courts (48 – 1, 2012, pp. 137–151).
Recent publications: Dal “corpo innominabile” all’educazione sessuale nell’Italia del Novecento: storia di una transizione incompiuta. In: Letterio Todaro. Cultura pedagogica e istanze di emancipazione tra gli anni ’60 e ’70 del Novecento, pp. 95- 114, Anicia, 2018; Educational Memories and Public History: A Necessary Meeting. In: Cristina Yanes-Cabrera, Juri Meda, Antonio Viñao (eds.). School Memories. New Trends in the History of Education, pp. 143-156, Svizzera: Springer International Publishing, 2018; “Make Love, not War”. Communitarian Life Experiences as Laboratories of Peace Education in Italy. AULA, vol. 22, pp. 175-188, 2016; From Tutor to Teacher: The Birth of Popular Schooling in Early 19th Century Italy. In: Marcelo Caruso (ed.). Classroom Struggle. Organizing Elementary School Teaching in the 19th Century, pp. 205-228, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2015.
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